Xyon's Rambles

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

2:32 PM

OK, It's now Official

Well, it's now official. The latest entry in my Excursion to Maine is now over 1.2 months over due. I will get to it sometime (promise to myself and those who actually want to continue reading it.)

But since I started that writing project (and the reason it has been delayed so long) is a few small things that I needed to mention.

1st, I graduated last week from ETSU. Yes, The BS (literally) degree has been handed to me from the good secretary in the graduating office. There is no graduation ceremony in the summer, but if I want, I can walk in the fall with the 1,000+ other graduates. That is precisely the reason I probably won't. It has been a long haul (way longer than needed) and already is worth it for no other reason than a personal goal I set for myself. I am still "working" on campus with the engineer in the Broadcasting division as a way to continue to learn Internet broadcasting using web designs and editing filmed projects. This will look real good on my resume, when I finally update (which means do a new one from scratch.) This fall I will probably be working with him (and getting paid a small amount - what I call funny money) doing more Internet broadcasting from the Innovation Center.

2nd, Lennon Murphy has come and gone through Johnson City with her latest tour. She was fresh off the Warp Tour and getting ready to start a few shows for Heart. I tried to help heavily promote the show which fell very, very flat. I wrote a big press release that was put on both big local Internet boards (one has since been put on hiatus for awhile), published in The Loafer, and, of course, on Team Rock. I also put in efforts with the club owner to make and label 150 sample CDs which we gave out at the Earshot (Saliva cancelled) show. As I said, the show was a bust (about 50 people turned out) but the performance was still good. Lennon got a little drunk before the night was over, but most of the staff and band partied at the after party which was held at Fuzzyholes until the wee hours of the morning. Consequently, I had to miss work the next day and pretty much ruined the rest of my weekend. I still haven't really had the urge for any alcohol.

Those were two of the bigger small things that has gone on and I could prattle on about more stuff, but I won't. I won't mention the kick ass Monsters of Japan show I went to or camping out at Rockin' on the River. The latter had a few controversies I could go into, like the bikini contest fiasco (from what I hear) and it being held one too many days because everybody went home early on Sunday, but as I said, I won't.

It has been a crazy 1.2 months and the end is not in sight yet. My friend, whom I visited in Maine is coming to visit at the first of October, but before that I am heading back to DragonCon a week from tomorrow. I know that both will offer up more stories and pictures for me to get behind on. So, if you are waiting (which a I know a lot are! ;) ), just hang in there, I will catch it up soon. (I hope.)

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